Marble Tile Flooring For Small Homes
The elegance of marble has long been noted in architecture and custom homes and has been utilized in large buildings, churches, mansions and small homes as well for centuries. There are several different types of marble tile used in residential and commercial applications. Their uses vary widely and include flooring, countertops, wall covering, fireplaces and exterior facades. Since marble is not the hardest of natural stones, it would not do well as a floor covering in specific, extremely high traffic areas, although they are perfect floor tiling for typical residential and light commercial applications, and marble holds up fine. There is one however, one application that marble is not well suited for, and it is on kitchen countertops. This is because marble's composition deteriorates when regularly exposed to acidic foods. The most popular and common residential uses of marble are for window sills, fireplaces hearths, decorative foyers and bathroom floors. Other bathroom appli